name: PR Needs Rebase on: push: branches-ignore: - 'dependabot/**' - 'l10n_main' pull_request_target: branches-ignore: - 'dependabot/**' - 'l10n_main' types: [synchronize] permissions: pull-requests: write jobs: label-rebase-needed: runs-on: ubuntu-latest concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: true steps: - name: Check for merge conflicts uses: eps1lon/actions-label-merge-conflict@releases/2.x with: dirtyLabel: 'rebase needed :construction:' repoToken: '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' commentOnClean: This pull request has resolved merge conflicts and is ready for review. commentOnDirty: This pull request has merge conflicts that must be resolved before it can be merged. retryMax: 10 continueOnMissingPermissions: false