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# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'rails_helper'
describe 'blocking domains through the moderation interface' do
before do
sign_in Fabricate(:user, role: UserRole.find_by(name: 'Admin')), scope: :user
context 'when silencing a new domain' do
it 'adds a new domain block' do
visit new_admin_domain_block_path
fill_in 'domain_block_domain', with: ''
select I18n.t(''), from: 'domain_block_severity'
click_button I18n.t('')
expect(DomainBlock.exists?(domain: '', severity: 'silence')).to be true
context 'when suspending a new domain' do
it 'presents a confirmation screen before suspending the domain' do
visit new_admin_domain_block_path
fill_in 'domain_block_domain', with: ''
select I18n.t(''), from: 'domain_block_severity'
click_button I18n.t('')
# It presents a confirmation screen
expect(page).to have_title(I18n.t('admin.domain_blocks.confirm_suspension.title', domain: ''))
# Confirming creates a block
click_button I18n.t('admin.domain_blocks.confirm_suspension.confirm')
expect(DomainBlock.exists?(domain: '', severity: 'suspend')).to be true
context 'when suspending a domain that is already silenced' do
it 'presents a confirmation screen before suspending the domain' do
domain_block = Fabricate(:domain_block, domain: '', severity: 'silence')
visit new_admin_domain_block_path
fill_in 'domain_block_domain', with: ''
select I18n.t(''), from: 'domain_block_severity'
click_button I18n.t('')
# It presents a confirmation screen
expect(page).to have_title(I18n.t('admin.domain_blocks.confirm_suspension.title', domain: ''))
# Confirming updates the block
click_button I18n.t('admin.domain_blocks.confirm_suspension.confirm')
expect(domain_block.reload.severity).to eq 'suspend'
context 'when suspending a subdomain of an already-silenced domain' do
it 'presents a confirmation screen before suspending the domain' do
domain_block = Fabricate(:domain_block, domain: '', severity: 'silence')
visit new_admin_domain_block_path
fill_in 'domain_block_domain', with: ''
select I18n.t(''), from: 'domain_block_severity'
click_button I18n.t('')
# It presents a confirmation screen
expect(page).to have_title(I18n.t('admin.domain_blocks.confirm_suspension.title', domain: ''))
# Confirming creates the block
click_button I18n.t('admin.domain_blocks.confirm_suspension.confirm')
expect(DomainBlock.where(domain: '', severity: 'suspend')).to exist
# And leaves the previous block alone
expect(domain_block.reload.severity).to eq 'silence'
expect(domain_block.reload.domain).to eq ''
context 'when editing a domain block' do
it 'presents a confirmation screen before suspending the domain' do
domain_block = Fabricate(:domain_block, domain: '', severity: 'silence')
visit edit_admin_domain_block_path(domain_block)
select I18n.t(''), from: 'domain_block_severity'
click_button I18n.t('generic.save_changes')
# It presents a confirmation screen
expect(page).to have_title(I18n.t('admin.domain_blocks.confirm_suspension.title', domain: ''))
# Confirming updates the block
click_button I18n.t('admin.domain_blocks.confirm_suspension.confirm')
expect(domain_block.reload.severity).to eq 'suspend'