Source code for the custom Mastodon (Glitchsoc) instance on
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- content_for :page_title do
= @account.pretty_acct
- if @account.instance_actor?
%strong= t('accounts.instance_actor_flash')
= render 'application/card', account: @account
- account = @account
- fields = account.fields
- unless fields.empty? && account.note.blank?
- unless fields.empty?
- fields.each do |field|
%dt.emojify{ title: }= prerender_custom_emojis(h(, account.emojis)
%dd{ title: field.value, class: custom_field_classes(field) }
- if field.verified?
%span.verified__mark{ title: t('accounts.link_verified_on', date: l(field.verified_at)) }
= fa_icon 'check'
= prerender_custom_emojis(account_field_value_format(field, with_rel_me: false), account.emojis)
- if account.note.present?
.account__header__content.emojify= prerender_custom_emojis(account_bio_format(account), account.emojis)
= render 'admin/accounts/counters', account: @account
- if @account.local? && @account.user.nil?
= link_to t('admin.accounts.unblock_email'), unblock_email_admin_account_path(, method: :post, class: 'button' if can?(:unblock_email, @account) && CanonicalEmailBlock.exists?(reference_account_id:
- else
- if @account.local?
= render 'admin/accounts/local_account', account: @account
- else
= render 'admin/accounts/remote_account', account: @account, domain_block: @domain_block
= render 'admin/accounts/buttons', account: @account, deletion_request: @deletion_request
- unless @warnings.empty?
%h3= t 'admin.accounts.previous_strikes'
%p= t('admin.accounts.previous_strikes_description_html', count: @account.previous_strikes_count)
= render @warnings
%h3= t 'admin.reports.notes.title'
%p= t 'admin.reports.notes_description_html'
= render partial: 'admin/report_notes/report_note', collection: @moderation_notes
= simple_form_for @account_moderation_note, url: admin_account_moderation_notes_path do |f|
= f.hidden_field :target_account_id
= f.input :content, placeholder: t('admin.reports.notes.placeholder'), rows: 6
= f.button :button, t('admin.account_moderation_notes.create'), type: :submit
- if @account.user&.invite_request&.text&.present?
= @account.user&.invite_request&.text
= admin_account_link_to @account
= t('admin.accounts.invite_request_text')