Source code for the custom Mastodon (Glitchsoc) instance on
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
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- content_for :page_title do
= site_hostname
- content_for :header_tags do
= javascript_pack_tag 'public', integrity: true, crossorigin: 'anonymous'
= render partial: 'og'
= link_to root_url do
= image_tag asset_pack_path('logo_full.svg'), alt: 'Mastodon'
- if user_signed_in?
= link_to t('settings.back'), root_url, class: 'webapp-btn'
- else
= link_to t('auth.login'), new_user_session_path, class: 'webapp-btn'
%li= link_to t('about.about_this'), about_more_path
= link_to '' do
= "#{t('about.other_instances')}"
%i.fa.fa-external-link{ style: 'padding-left: 5px;' }
%h3= t('about.description_headline', domain: site_hostname)
%p= @instance_presenter.site_description.html_safe.presence || t('about.generic_description', domain: site_hostname)
%span= t 'about.user_count_before'
%strong= number_with_delimiter @instance_presenter.user_count
%span= t 'about.user_count_after'
%span= t 'about.status_count_before'
%strong= number_with_delimiter @instance_presenter.status_count
%span= t 'about.status_count_after'
%span= t 'about.domain_count_before'
%strong= number_with_delimiter @instance_presenter.domain_count
%span= t 'about.domain_count_after'
= render 'contact', contact: @instance_presenter
= @instance_presenter.site_extended_description.html_safe.presence || t('about.extended_description_html')
= link_to t('about.source_code'), @instance_presenter.source_url
= " (#{@instance_presenter.version_number})"