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/* PolyBLEP oscillator inspired by:
* Further info about BLEP at:
#include <math.h>
#define PIx2 (2 * M_PI)
class Oscillator {
Mode mode;
float phase; // current waveform phase angle (radians)
float phaseStep; // phase angle step per sample
float value; // current amplitude value
float driftAmount;
float driftValue;
float polyBlep(float t) {
double dt = phaseStep / PIx2;
// t-t^2/2 +1/2
// 0 < t <= 1
// discontinuities between 0 & 1
if (t < dt) {
t /= dt;
return t + t - t * t - 1.0;
// t^2/2 +t +1/2
// -1 <= t <= 0
// discontinuities between -1 & 0
else if (t > 1.0 - dt) {
t = (t - 1.0) / dt;
return t * t + t + t + 1.0;
// no discontinuities
// 0 otherwise
else return 0.0;
// Generate next output sample and advance the phase angle
float tick() {
float t = phase / PIx2; // Define half phase
if (mode == MODE_SINE) {
value = sin(phase); // No harmonics in sine so no aliasing!! No Poly BLEPs needed!
} else if (mode == MODE_SAW) {
value = (2.0 * phase / PIx2) - 1.0; // Render naive waveshape
value -= polyBlep(t); // Layer output of Poly BLEP on top
} else if (mode == MODE_SQUARE) {
if (phase < M_PI) {
value = 1.0; // Flip
} else {
value = -1.0; // Flop
value += polyBlep(t); // Layer output of Poly BLEP on top (flip)
value -= polyBlep(fmod(t + 0.5, 1.0)); // Layer output of Poly BLEP on top (flop)
driftValue += 0.01 * ((float) rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5) - 0.00001 * driftValue;
phase += phaseStep * (1.0 + driftAmount * driftValue);
if(phase >= PIx2) { // wrap if phase angle >=360º
phase -= PIx2;
return value;