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float kLUT[] = {
0.0015708, 0.0017336, 0.0019134, 0.0021118, 0.0023307, 0.0025723, 0.0028390, 0.0031333,
0.0034582, 0.0038167, 0.0042124, 0.0046491, 0.0051311, 0.0056631, 0.0062502, 0.0068982,
0.0076134, 0.0084028, 0.0092740, 0.0102355, 0.0112968, 0.0124681, 0.0137608, 0.0151877,
0.0167625, 0.0185007, 0.0204193, 0.0225369, 0.0248743, 0.0274544, 0.0303024, 0.0334462,
0.0369167, 0.0407480, 0.0449779, 0.0496483, 0.0548053, 0.0605004, 0.0667905, 0.0737388,
0.0814158, 0.0898997, 0.0992782, 0.1096492, 0.1211226, 0.1338222, 0.1478880, 0.1634790,
0.1807770, 0.1999912, 0.2213640, 0.2451794, 0.2717728, 0.3015462, 0.3349871, 0.3726965,
0.4154281, 0.4641461, 0.5201120, 0.5850177, 0.6611994, 0.7519926, 0.8623521, 1.0000000