Unit heroEnemy; Interface Uses dataUnit, Math; Procedure moveMan(Var theGS:GameState;rowStep,colStep:integer); Procedure moveEnemies(Var theGS:GameState); Implementation Procedure moveMan(Var theGS:GameState;rowStep,colStep:integer); Var move: boolean = false; nextTile: char; Begin nextTile := theGS.map[theGS.manRow+rowStep, theGS.manCol+colStep]; (* Push the boulder *) If (nextTile In pushable) And (theGS.map[theGS.manRow+2*rowStep, theGS.manCol+2*colStep] = empty) Then Begin theGS.map[theGS.manRow+2*rowStep, theGS.manCol+2*colStep] := nextTile; move := true; End; (* Move man *) If move Or (nextTile In walkable) Then Begin (* Colect gems while where at it *) If nextTile = gem Then dec(theGS.goal); (* The moving *) theGS.map[theGS.manRow, theGS.manCol] := empty; theGS.manRow := theGS.manRow + rowStep; theGS.manCol := theGS.manCol + colStep; theGS.map[theGS.manRow, theGS.manCol] := man; End; End; Procedure moveEnemies(Var theGS:GameState); Var i, row, col, rowstep, colstep, tries: integer; Begin For i := 1 To theGS.numEnemies Do Begin col := theGS.enemy[i].col; row := theGS.enemy[i].row; rowstep := theGS.manRow - row; colstep := theGS.manCol - col; (* Figures out general direction. *) If abs(rowstep) > abs(colstep) Then colstep := 0 Else If abs(colstep) > abs(rowstep) Then rowstep := 0 Else If random(2) = 0 Then rowstep := 0 Else colstep := 0; (* Restrict movement to vecinity. *) rowstep := min(max(-1,rowstep),1); colstep := min(max(-1,colstep),1); (* Try to move there. *) For tries := 4 Downto 1 Do Begin (* If there's an obstacle. *) If theGS.map[row+rowstep, col+colstep] <> empty Then Begin If random(1) = 0 then colstep := -colstep Else rowstep := -rowstep; If tries Mod 2 = 0 Then Begin (* Ol' swap trick *) colstep := colstep + rowstep; rowstep := colstep - rowstep; colstep := colstep - rowstep; End End Else Begin (* Move the enemy. *) theGS.map[row+rowstep, col+colstep] := theGS.map[row,col]; theGS.map[row,col] := empty; col := col+colstep; row := row+rowstep; theGS.enemy[i].col := col; theGS.enemy[i].row := row; (* Attack man *) If abs(col-theGS.manCol) + abs(row-theGS.manRow) <= 1 Then Begin theGS.goal := -1; End; break; End; End; End; End; End.