#!/usr/bin/env python3 from sys import argv, exit import pygame as pg # locals from ship import Ship from starfield import Starfield from torpedo import Torpedo from asteroid import Asteroid # Colors BLACK = (0,)*3 WHITE = (255,)*3 GREEN = (0, 255, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 255) # Graphical Environment WIN_SIZE = (1280, 960) MAX_FPS = 60 ## Game constants N_ASTEROIDS_START = 3 # Sprite positions start = (WIN_SIZE[0]//2,WIN_SIZE[1]//2) ## Setup pg.init() clock = pg.time.Clock() pg.display.set_caption(f"Space Collector") screen = pg.display.set_mode(WIN_SIZE) scr_rect = screen.get_rect() pg.mouse.set_cursor(pg.SYSTEM_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR) map_rect = pg.Rect( (start[0]-scr_rect.width/2, start[1]-scr_rect.height/2), scr_rect.size ) font = pg.font.SysFont('Sans',24) big_font = pg.font.SysFont('Sans',56) the_starfield = Starfield(screen, grid_step=40, paralax=1); while True: # Game setup start_time = pg.time.get_ticks() the_ship = Ship(start,scr_rect) the_ship.rect.x = scr_rect.centerx - the_ship.rect.width / 2 the_ship.rect.y = scr_rect.centery - the_ship.rect.height / 2 moving = pg.sprite.Group() asteroids = pg.sprite.Group() torpedoes = pg.sprite.Group() for i in range(N_ASTEROIDS_START): tmp = Asteroid(map_rect) asteroids.add(tmp) moving.add(tmp) gun_cooldown = 0 win = False lose = False carry_on = True # Game loop while carry_on: # Quitting states for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: pg.quit() exit() elif event.type==pg.KEYDOWN: if event.key==pg.K_ESCAPE: pg.quit() exit() elif event.key == pg.K_r: carry_on = False if not (win or lose): ### Game Logic ### mousev = pg.math.Vector2(pg.mouse.get_pos()) - scr_rect.center keyboard_events = pg.key.get_pressed() mouse_events = pg.mouse.get_pressed() # ship direction if mousev.length() > the_ship.SIZE/2: the_ship.direction += mousev.normalize() the_ship.direction.normalize_ip() # Move ship if keyboard_events[pg.K_SPACE]: the_ship.velocity += the_ship.direction / 2 the_ship.map_pos.x += round(the_ship.velocity.x) % map_rect.w the_ship.map_pos.y += round(the_ship.velocity.y) % map_rect.h # Move camera to follow ship map_rect.x = (the_ship.map_pos.x - map_rect.w/2) % map_rect.w map_rect.y = (the_ship.map_pos.y - map_rect.h/2) % map_rect.h # Torpedoes if mouse_events[0] and gun_cooldown <= 0: tmp = Torpedo( scr_rect, the_ship.map_pos, the_ship.direction, the_ship.velocity, ) moving.add(tmp) torpedoes.add(tmp) gun_cooldown = Torpedo.COOLTIME elif gun_cooldown > 0: gun_cooldown -= 1 # Collisions for an_asteroid in asteroids: for a_torpedo in moving.sprites(): if an_asteroid.rect.colliderect(a_torpedo.rect): if isinstance(a_torpedo, Torpedo): a_torpedo.kill() children = an_asteroid.breakup() moving.add(children) asteroids.add(children) if an_asteroid.rect.colliderect(the_ship.rect): lose = True # Win state if len([s for s in moving if isinstance(s, Asteroid)]) == 0: win = True ### Display Logic ### screen.fill(BLACK) the_starfield.draw(screen, map_rect, (map_rect.w, map_rect.h)) moving.update(map_rect=map_rect) moving.draw(screen) the_ship.update(rot_vector= the_ship.direction) screen.blit(the_ship.image, the_ship.rect) if not (win or lose): elapsed_time = (pg.time.get_ticks()-start_time)/1000 elapsed_minutes = int(elapsed_time // 60) elapsed_seconds = int(elapsed_time // 1) % 60 time_string = f"{elapsed_minutes:d}:{elapsed_seconds:02d}" time_label = font.render(time_string, 1, WHITE) time_pos = (screen.get_width()-10-time_label.get_width(),10) screen.blit(time_label, time_pos) if win or lose: if win: big_label = big_font.render("You win!",1, GREEN, BLACK) else: big_label = big_font.render("You lose!",1, BLUE, BLACK) big_pos = ( (screen.get_width()-big_label.get_width())/2, (screen.get_height()-big_label.get_height())/2, ) screen.blit(big_label, big_pos) pg.display.flip() clock.tick(MAX_FPS)