A clone of Asteroids.
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39 lines
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import pygame as pg
from sprite import Sprite
class Ship(Sprite):
COLOR =(0,255,0)
SIZE = 40
U = SIZE // 6
SHAPE = [(6,3), (1,5), (2,3), (1,1)]
def __init__(self, pos, scr_rect):
self.map_pos = pg.math.Vector2(pos)
self.shape = [pg.math.Vector2(p[0]*self.U,p[1]*self.U) for p in self.SHAPE]
self.rect.x = scr_rect.centerx - self.rect.width / 2
self.rect.y = scr_rect.centery - self.rect.height / 2
self.velocity = pg.math.Vector2((0,0))
self.deceleration = 0
self.direction = pg.math.Vector2((1,0))
def update(self, rot_vector):
center = self.SIZE/2
def rotate(p):
x0 = p[0]-center
y0 = p[1]-center
x1 = x0 * rot_vector.x - y0 * rot_vector.y
y1 = x0 * rot_vector.y + y0 * rot_vector.x
return (x1 + center, y1 + center)
new_shape = list(map(rotate, self.shape))
pg.draw.polygon(self.image, self.COLOR, new_shape)
def map_rect(self):
return pg.Rect(
(self.map_pos.x-self.SIZE/2+1, self.map_pos.y-self.SIZE/2+1),
(self.SIZE-2, self.SIZE-2))