# fedidel `fedidel` is a bot that tracks and auto-deletes on Mastodon/Pleroma accounts according to a set maximum age. Tracking multiple instances simultaneously is possible. It will permanently retain statuses favourited by the account that posted them. Reblogs are treated as favourites and are permanently retained. Once a status is flagged for retention, the bot will not check it again. ## Installation (Linux) #### Obtain root login shell ``` sudo -i ``` #### Download fedidel and make user account ``` git clone https://git.thj.no/thor/fedidel.git /usr/local/lib/fedidel useradd -d /usr/local/lib/fedidel -M -s /bin/bash -U fedidel chown -R fedidel.fedidel /usr/local/lib/fedidel ``` #### Create configuration ``` cd /usr/local/lib/fedidel cp config.example.json config.json editor config.json ``` #### Install systemd service ``` ln -s fedidel.service /etc/systemd/system/fedidel.service systemctl enable fedidel systemctl start fedidel ``` #### Management ``` # Restart service systemctl restart fedidel # Check service status systemctl status fedidel # Monitor log output journalctl -t fedidel -f ``` ## Maintainer The maintainer can be contacted at `@thor@pl.thj.no`.