import os import sys import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import toml import random import re import sched import math import string from mastodon import Mastodon, MastodonNotFoundError from import Bot, BotClient TEST = "test" in sys.argv[1:] USER_PCT = 35 MIN_MAIN_LEN = 3 MAX_PORT_LEN = 14 MAIN_DICT_PATH = "dicts/main.csv" USER_DICT_PATH = "dicts/user.dict" USED_DICT_PATH = "dicts/used.dict" def next_dt(): dt = dt -= timedelta(hours = -1, minutes = dt.minute, seconds = dt.second, microseconds = dt.microsecond) return dt config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "config.toml") loaded_config = { "name": "portmanteaubot", **toml.load(config_path)} AFFIXES = [] def is_affixed(word): return any(, word) for suf in AFFIXES) def overlap_words(left_word, right_word): if left_word == right_word: return set() min_shift = 2 offset = min_shift attempts = set() while offset + 2 <= len(left_word[0]): if right_word[0].lower().startswith(left_word[0].lower()[offset : offset + 2]): word_str = left_word[0][:offset] + right_word[0] if len(word_str) >= 6 and not is_affixed(word_str): attempts.add(word_str) offset += 1 offset = len(right_word[0]) - 2 while offset >= 2: if left_word[0].lower().endswith(right_word[0].lower()[offset : offset + 2]): word_str = left_word[0] + right_word[0][offset + 2:] if len(word_str) >= 6 and not is_affixed(word_str): attempts.add(word_str) offset -= 1 return attempts def word_weight(index, length, power): a = pow((index + 1) / length, 2) return int(350000 * a) def weights_for(words, power): return [word_weight(i, len(words), power = power) for i in range(0, len(words))] def pick_one_word(words): if len(words) == 0: return None return random.choices(list(words.items()), weights = (v[0] for v in words.values()))[0] def word_diff(a, b): seq = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a, b) return seq.ratio() class WordMaker: def __init__(self): print("Loading dictionaries") illegal = set(ch for ch in (string.ascii_uppercase + string.punctuation + string.digits + string.whitespace)) with open (MAIN_DICT_PATH, "r") as f: self.main_words = { sl[0] : (int(sl[1]), tuple(sl[2].split("="))) for sl in (tuple(l.split(",")) for l in if len(sl[0]) >= MIN_MAIN_LEN and not any(c in illegal for c in sl[0])} with open(USER_DICT_PATH, "r") as f: self.user_words = {l : (1, None) for l in} if os.path.exists(USED_DICT_PATH): with open("dicts/used.dict", "r") as f: used_words = {l : (1, None) for l in} else: used_words = dict() self.all_words = {k.lower() : v for k, v in {**self.main_words, **self.user_words, **used_words}.items()} def extend_word(self, prev_word): user_dict = random.randint(0, 100) < USER_PCT if user_dict: next_dict = self.user_words else: next_dict = self.main_words new_words = dict() for w in next_dict.items(): new_words.update(dict.fromkeys(overlap_words(prev_word, w))) if len(new_words) == 0: return None max_len = max(len(w) for w in new_words) for w in new_words: new_words[w] = (math.pow(max_len + 1 - len(w), 3), None) while len(new_words) > 0: new_word = pick_one_word(new_words) del new_words[new_word[0]] if new_word[0].lower() not in self.all_words: return new_word return None def get_portmanteau(self, target_times = 1): user_dict = random.randint(0, 100) < USER_PCT if user_dict: words = self.user_words else: words = self.main_words while True: while True: word = pick_one_word(words) times = target_times while times > 0: ext_word = self.extend_word(word) if ext_word is None: break word = ext_word times -= 1 if times == 0: break if len(word[0]) < MAX_PORT_LEN: break word_str = word[0].lower() print(word_str) return word_str def get_portmanteaus(self, count = 10): words = set() used_words = dict() while count > 0: word_str = self.get_portmanteau() if word_str not in words: words.add(word_str) used_words[word_str] = (1, None) count -= 1 self.all_words.update(used_words) if not TEST: with open("dicts/used.dict", "a") as f: f.write("\n".join(used_words.keys()) + "\n") return words class PortBotClient(BotClient): def __init__(self, bot, config): config = { "app_name": "PortmanteuBot", "rate_limit": 3, "retry_rate": 60, "poll_interval": 15, **config} super().__init__(bot, config) self.my_id = None def on_start(self): self.log("Starting") self.my_id =["id"] pass def on_poll(self): pass def on_status(self, status): if status["account"]["id"] != self.my_id: return def post(): for client_name, client in bot.clients.items(): words = wm.get_portmanteaus(3) print() if random.randint(0, 100) <= 100: visibility = "public" else: visibility = "unlisted" dt = next_dt() if not TEST: client.api.status_post("\n".join(words), visibility = visibility) print("Scheduling at", dt) if TEST: scheduler.enter(2, 1, post) else: scheduler.enterabs(dt.timestamp(), 1, post) wm = WordMaker() scheduler = sched.scheduler(timefunc = time.time, delayfunc = time.sleep) bot = Bot(PortBotClient, loaded_config) del loaded_config bot.start() print("Running") dt = next_dt() if TEST: scheduler.enter(2, 1, post) else: print("Scheduling at", dt) scheduler.enterabs(dt.timestamp(), 1, post)