import os import sys import time import toml import random import re from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import sched from mastodon import Mastodon, MastodonNotFoundError from import Bot, BotClient POST_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds = 15) TEST = False def next_dt(): dt = dt -= timedelta(hours = -1, minutes = dt.minute, seconds = dt.second, microseconds = dt.microsecond) return dt config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "config.toml") loaded_config = { "name": "portmanteaubot", **toml.load(config_path)} SUFFIXES = [ ['ly'], ['ing'], ['[bdklmptw]?est$'], ['[^ious]s$'], ['ted'], ['[ei]$', 'ty']] def is_suffixed(word): for suffix in SUFFIXES: if len(suffix) > len(word): continue syllables = list(zip(suffix, word[-len(suffix):])) if all(re.fullmatch(suf, syl) for suf, syl in syllables): #print(word, "matched", suffix) return True return False class WordMaker: def __init__(self): print("Loading dictionaries") with open ("mhyph.txt", "r", encoding = "mac-roman") as f: lines = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] lines = filter(lambda w: len(w) > 0 and not'[- A-Z]', w), lines) words = [line.split("•") for line in lines] words = sorted(words, key = lambda w: len(w), reverse = True) self.words = words self.first_words = list(filter(lambda w: not is_suffixed(w), words)) self.plain_words = ["".join(w).lower() for w in words] with open("porthyph.txt", "r") as f: lines = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] lines = filter(lambda l: len(l) > 0, lines) words = [line.split("=") for line in lines] words = sorted(words, key = lambda w: len(w), reverse = True) self.alt_words = words self.plain_words.extend(["".join(w).lower() for w in words]) def get_one_word(self, words): weights = [int(100.0 * (x + 1.0) / len(words)) for x in range(0, len(words))] return random.choices(words, weights = weights)[0] def get_second_word(self, first_word): first_word = list(first_word) first_end = first_word[-1] if random.randint(0, 100) < 50: second_dict = self.alt_words else: second_dict = self.words if random.randint(0, 100) < 50: second_iter = filter(lambda w: w[0].lower().startswith(first_end.lower()) or first_end.lower().startswith(w[0].lower()), second_dict) else: second_iter = filter(lambda w: w[0].lower().startswith(first_end.lower()), second_dict) second_words = list(second_iter) while len(second_words) > 0: second_word_orig = self.get_one_word(second_words) second_words.remove(second_word_orig) second_word = [s.lower() for s in second_word_orig] word = [*first_word[:-1], *second_word] if not "".join(word).lower() in self.plain_words: return word return None def get_portmanteau(self): target_times = 1 if random.randint(0, 100) > 50: words = self.alt_words else: words = self.first_words while True: while True: word = self.get_one_word(words) times = target_times while times > 0: next_word = self.get_second_word(word) if next_word is None: break word = next_word times -= 1 if times == 0: break word_str = "".join(word) if len(word_str) < 15: break print(word_str) return word_str def get_portmanteaus(self, count = 10): return [self.get_portmanteau() for x in range(0, count)] class PortBotClient(BotClient): def __init__(self, bot, config): config = { "app_name": "PortmanteuBot", "rate_limit": 3, "retry_rate": 60, "poll_interval": 15, **config} super().__init__(bot, config) self.my_id = None def on_start(self): self.log("Starting") self.my_id =["id"] pass def on_poll(self): pass def on_status(self, status): if status["account"]["id"] != self.my_id: return if status["created_at"] < - timedelta(hours = 24) and status["reblogs_count"] == 0 and status["favourites_count"] == 0: try: print("Deleting", status["created_at"], status["content"]) self.api.status_delete(status["id"]) time.sleep(2) except MastodonNotFoundError: pass pass def post(): for client_name, client in bot.clients.items(): words = wm.get_portmanteaus(1) if random.randint(0, 100) <= 100: visibility = "public" else: visibility = "unlisted" if not TEST: client.api.status_post("\n".join(words), visibility = visibility) dt = next_dt() print("Scheduling at", dt) if TEST: scheduler.enter(1, 1, post) else: scheduler.enterabs(dt.timestamp(), 1, post) wm = WordMaker() scheduler = sched.scheduler(timefunc = time.time, delayfunc = time.sleep) bot = Bot(PortBotClient, loaded_config) del loaded_config bot.start() print("Running") dt = next_dt() print("Scheduling at", dt) if TEST: scheduler.enter(1, 1, post) else: scheduler.enterabs(dt.timestamp(), 1, post)