/** * */ package com.jotuntech.sketcher.server.command; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import com.jotuntech.sketcher.common.Input; import com.jotuntech.sketcher.common.Layer; import com.jotuntech.sketcher.common.User; import com.jotuntech.sketcher.server.Command; import com.jotuntech.sketcher.server.Connection; import com.jotuntech.sketcher.server.Server; public class LineCommand implements Command { protected Input input; /** Constructs a Daub command */ public LineCommand() { } /** Constructs a Daub command. * @param user Source user. * @param input Position of new daub. */ public LineCommand(Input input) { this.input = input; } public int perform(Server server, Connection connection) { User user = connection.getUser(); if(user.isViewer()) { return Connection.SEND_NONE; } if(user != null && user.getLayer() != null && user.getBrush() != null) { Layer l = user.getPhantomLayer(); l.setOpacity(Math.abs(user.getBrush().getOpacity()) / 255f); if(user.getBrush().isLockTransparency()) { l.setAlphaRule(AlphaComposite.SRC_ATOP); } else if(user.getBrush().getOpacity() >= 0) { l.setAlphaRule(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER); } else { l.setAlphaRule(AlphaComposite.DST_OUT); } /** Draw line */ Input end = user.getPhantomLayer().line(user.getCursor(), input, user.getColor(), user.getBrush(), user.getLayer()); if(end != null) { /** Move cursor on success */ user.setCursor(end); /** Return and broadcast */ return Connection.SEND_OTHERS; } } /** Return silently */ return Connection.SEND_NONE; } public void decode(ByteBuffer in) { input = new Input(); input.decode(in); } public void encode(ByteBuffer out) { input.encode(out); } }