package com.jotuntech.sketcher.client; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import com.jotuntech.sketcher.common.BitmapLayer; import com.jotuntech.sketcher.common.BitmapTile; import com.jotuntech.sketcher.common.Layer; import com.jotuntech.sketcher.common.TwoWayHashMap; public class PSDEncoder { private RandomAccessFile raf; private BufferedImage image; private BitmapLayer[] layers; private long[][] channelLengthPositions; public PSDEncoder(RandomAccessFile raf, BufferedImage image, TwoWayHashMap layers) throws IOException { this.raf = raf; this.image = image; int layersLength = 0; for(Layer l : layers.values()) { if(l instanceof BitmapLayer) { ++layersLength; } } this.layers = new BitmapLayer[layersLength]; int layerIndex = 0; for(Layer l : layers.values()) { if(l instanceof BitmapLayer) { this.layers[layerIndex++] = (BitmapLayer) l; } } channelLengthPositions = new long[this.layers.length][4]; } public void encode() throws IOException { /* Signature */ raf.write(new byte[] {'8', 'B', 'P', 'S'}); /* Version */ raf.writeShort(1); /* Reserved */ raf.write(new byte[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}); /* Number of channels */ raf.writeShort(4); /* Image height */ raf.writeInt(image.getHeight()); /* Image width */ raf.writeInt(image.getWidth()); /* Bits per channel */ raf.writeShort(8); /* Color mode: RGB color */ raf.writeShort(3); /* Length of color mode data section */ raf.writeInt(0); /* Length of image resources section */ raf.writeInt(0); /* Layer and mask information */ writeLayerAndMaskInfo(raf); /* Image data */ writeImagePixelData(raf); } private void writeLayerAndMaskInfo(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException { long lengthPointer = raf.getFilePointer(); raf.writeInt(0); /* Layer info */ writeLayerInfo(raf); /* Mask info */ writeMaskInfo(raf); /* Go back and write length */ long endPointer = raf.getFilePointer();; raf.writeInt((int)(endPointer - lengthPointer - 4));; } private void writeLayerInfo(RandomAccessFile odo) throws IOException { System.err.println("Writing layer info."); long lengthPointer = raf.getFilePointer(); odo.writeInt(0); /* Layers struct */ writeLayersStruct(odo); /* Pixel data */ writeAllLayersPixelData(odo); /* Go back and write length */ long endPointer = raf.getFilePointer();; raf.writeInt((int)(endPointer - lengthPointer - 4));; } private void writeLayersStruct(RandomAccessFile odo) throws IOException { System.err.println("Writing layers struct."); /* Layer count */ odo.writeShort(layers.length); /* Layers */ for(int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layers.length; layerIndex++) { writeLayer(odo, layerIndex); } } private void writeLayer(RandomAccessFile odo, int layerIndex) throws IOException { /* Get layer */ BitmapLayer l = layers[layerIndex]; System.err.println("Writing layer: " + l.getName()); /* Layer top */ odo.writeInt(0); /* Layer left */ odo.writeInt(0); /* Layer bottom */ odo.writeInt(image.getHeight()); /* Layer right */ odo.writeInt(image.getWidth()); /* Number of channels */ odo.writeShort(4); /* Channel length info */ writeChannelLengthInfo(odo, layerIndex); /* Blend mode signature */ odo.write(new byte[] {'8', 'B', 'I', 'M'}); /* Blend mode key */ odo.write(new byte[] {'n', 'o', 'r', 'm'}); /* Opacity */ odo.writeByte(Math.round(l.getOpacity() * 255f)); /* Clipping: Base */ odo.writeByte(0); /* Flags: Transparency not protected and visible */ odo.writeByte(0x80); /* Filler */ odo.writeByte(0); /* Prepare layer name */ String name = l.getName(); int origLength = name.length(); int moduloLength = (origLength + 1) % 4; int padLength = 0; if(moduloLength > 0) { padLength = 4 - moduloLength; for(int i = 0; i < padLength; i++) { name += "\000"; } } /* Extra data size */ odo.writeInt(4 + 44 + 1 + origLength + padLength); /* Layer mask data size */ odo.writeInt(0); /* Layer blending ranges */ writeLayerBlendingRanges(odo); odo.writeByte(origLength); odo.writeBytes(name); } private void writeChannelLengthInfo(RandomAccessFile raf, int layerIndex) throws IOException { System.err.println("Writing channel length info."); /* Channel ID: Transparency Mask */ raf.writeShort(-1); /* Channel length */ channelLengthPositions[layerIndex][0] = raf.getFilePointer(); raf.writeInt(0); /* Channel ID: Red */ raf.writeShort(0); /* Channel length */ channelLengthPositions[layerIndex][1] = raf.getFilePointer(); raf.writeInt(0); /* Channel ID: Green */ raf.writeShort(1); /* Channel length */ channelLengthPositions[layerIndex][2] = raf.getFilePointer(); raf.writeInt(0); /* Channel ID: Blue */ raf.writeShort(2); /* Channel length */ channelLengthPositions[layerIndex][3] = raf.getFilePointer(); raf.writeInt(0); } private void writeLayerBlendingRanges(DataOutput odo) throws IOException { System.err.println("Writing layer blending ranges."); /* Length */ odo.writeInt(40); /* Composite gray blend source */ odo.writeInt(0x0000FFFF); /* Composite gray blend destination */ odo.writeInt(0x0000FFFF); /* First channel source range */ odo.writeInt(0x0000FFFF); /* First channel destination range */ odo.writeInt(0x0000FFFF); /* Second channel source range */ odo.writeInt(0x0000FFFF); /* Second channel destination range */ odo.writeInt(0x0000FFFF); /* Third channel source range */ odo.writeInt(0x0000FFFF); /* Third channel destination range */ odo.writeInt(0x0000FFFF); /* Fourth channel source range */ odo.writeInt(0x0000FFFF); /* Fourth channel destination range */ odo.writeInt(0x0000FFFF); } private void writeAllLayersPixelData(RandomAccessFile odo) throws IOException { System.out.println("Writing pixel layer data."); for(int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layers.length; layerIndex++) { writeLayerPixelData(odo, layerIndex); } } private void writeMaskInfo(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException { System.err.println("Writing mask info."); /* Mask info length */ long lengthPointer = raf.getFilePointer(); raf.writeInt(0); /* Overlay color space */ raf.writeShort(0); /* Color components */ raf.writeShort(0); raf.writeShort(0); raf.writeShort(0); raf.writeShort(0); /* Opacity */ raf.writeShort(0); /* Kind: Use value stored per layer */ raf.writeByte(128); /* Filler */ raf.writeByte(0); /* Go back and write length */ long endPointer = raf.getFilePointer();; raf.writeInt((int)(endPointer - lengthPointer - 4));; } public void writeImagePixelData(RandomAccessFile odo) throws IOException { System.out.println("Writing image data."); int[] pixels = ((DataBufferInt)image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); byte[] scanline = new byte[image.getWidth()]; /* Compression: RLE */ odo.writeShort(1); /* Placeholder scanline bytecounts */ long redCountsPosition = raf.getFilePointer(); for(int i = 0; i < image.getHeight(); i++) { odo.writeShort(0); } long greenCountsPosition = raf.getFilePointer(); for(int i = 0; i < image.getHeight(); i++) { odo.writeShort(0); } long blueCountsPosition = raf.getFilePointer(); for(int i = 0; i < image.getHeight(); i++) { odo.writeShort(0); } long alphaCountsPosition = raf.getFilePointer(); for(int i = 0; i < image.getHeight(); i++) { odo.writeShort(0); } PackBitsOutputStream pbos = new PackBitsOutputStream(raf); /* Image data - Red */ for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) { for(int x = 0; x < scanline.length; x++) { scanline[x] = (byte) ((pixels[y * scanline.length + x] >> 16) & 0xFF); } long scanlineStart = raf.getFilePointer(); pbos.write(scanline); pbos.flush(); long scanlineStop = raf.getFilePointer(); + y * 2); raf.writeShort((short)(scanlineStop - scanlineStart));; } /* Image data - Green */ for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) { for(int x = 0; x < scanline.length; x++) { scanline[x] = (byte) ((pixels[y * scanline.length + x] >> 8) & 0xFF); } long scanlineStart = raf.getFilePointer(); pbos.write(scanline); pbos.flush(); long scanlineStop = raf.getFilePointer(); + y * 2); raf.writeShort((short)(scanlineStop - scanlineStart));; } /* Image data - Blue */ for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) { for(int x = 0; x < scanline.length; x++) { scanline[x] = (byte) (pixels[y * scanline.length + x] & 0xFF); } long scanlineStart = raf.getFilePointer(); pbos.write(scanline); pbos.flush(); long scanlineStop = raf.getFilePointer(); + y * 2); raf.writeShort((short)(scanlineStop - scanlineStart));; } /* Image data - Alpha */ for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) { for(int x = 0; x < scanline.length; x++) { scanline[x] = (byte) ((pixels[y * scanline.length + x] >> 24) & 0xFF); } long scanlineStart = raf.getFilePointer(); pbos.write(scanline); pbos.flush(); long scanlineStop = raf.getFilePointer(); + y * 2); raf.writeShort((short)(scanlineStop - scanlineStart));; } } public void writeLayerPixelData(RandomAccessFile raf, int layerIndex) throws IOException { System.out.println("Writing image data."); byte[] scanline = new byte[image.getWidth()]; /* Get tiles */ Map tiles = layers[layerIndex].getTiles(); PackBitsOutputStream pbos = new PackBitsOutputStream(raf); long startOfAlpha = raf.getFilePointer(); int alphaLength; /* Compression: RLE */ raf.writeShort(1); /* Alpha scanline counts */ long alphaCountsPosition = raf.getFilePointer(); for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) { raf.writeShort(0); } /* Alpha image data */ for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) { int yModulus = y & BitmapTile.SIZE_MASK; for(int x = 0; x < scanline.length; x += BitmapTile.SIZE) { BitmapTile t = tiles.get(new Point(x >> BitmapTile.SIZE_2, y >> BitmapTile.SIZE_2)); if(t == null) { Arrays.fill(scanline, x, x + BitmapTile.SIZE, (byte) 0); } else { int[] tilePixels = t.getPixels(); for(int offset = 0; offset < BitmapTile.SIZE; offset++) { scanline[x + offset] = (byte) ((tilePixels[(yModulus << BitmapTile.SIZE_2) + offset] >> 24) & 0xFF); } } } long scanlineStart = raf.getFilePointer(); pbos.write(scanline); pbos.flush(); long scanlineEnd = raf.getFilePointer(); + y * 2); raf.writeShort((short) (scanlineEnd - scanlineStart));; } long endOfAlpha = raf.getFilePointer(); alphaLength = (int) (endOfAlpha - startOfAlpha);[layerIndex][0]); raf.writeInt(alphaLength);; long startOfRed = raf.getFilePointer(); int redLength; /* Compression: RLE */ raf.writeShort(1); /* Red scanline counts */ long redCountsPosition = raf.getFilePointer(); for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) { raf.writeShort(0); } /* Red image data */ for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) { int yModulus = y & BitmapTile.SIZE_MASK; for(int x = 0; x < scanline.length; x += BitmapTile.SIZE) { BitmapTile t = tiles.get(new Point(x >> BitmapTile.SIZE_2, y >> BitmapTile.SIZE_2)); if(t == null) { Arrays.fill(scanline, x, x + BitmapTile.SIZE, (byte) 0); } else { for(int offset = 0; offset < BitmapTile.SIZE; offset++) { int[] tilePixels = t.getPixels(); scanline[x + offset] = (byte) ((tilePixels[(yModulus << BitmapTile.SIZE_2) + offset] >> 16) & 0xFF); } } } long scanlineStart = raf.getFilePointer(); pbos.write(scanline); pbos.flush(); long scanlineEnd = raf.getFilePointer(); + y * 2); raf.writeShort((short) (scanlineEnd - scanlineStart));; } long endOfRed = raf.getFilePointer(); redLength = (int) (endOfRed - startOfRed);[layerIndex][1]); raf.writeInt(redLength);; long startOfGreen = raf.getFilePointer(); int greenLength; /* Compression: RLE */ raf.writeShort(1); /* Green scanline counts */ long greenCountsPosition = raf.getFilePointer(); for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) { raf.writeShort(0); } /* Green image data */ for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) { int yModulus = y & BitmapTile.SIZE_MASK; for(int x = 0; x < scanline.length; x += BitmapTile.SIZE) { BitmapTile t = tiles.get(new Point(x >> BitmapTile.SIZE_2, y >> BitmapTile.SIZE_2)); if(t == null) { Arrays.fill(scanline, x, x + BitmapTile.SIZE, (byte) 0); } else { for(int offset = 0; offset < BitmapTile.SIZE; offset++) { int[] tilePixels = t.getPixels(); scanline[x + offset] = (byte) ((tilePixels[(yModulus << BitmapTile.SIZE_2) + offset] >> 8) & 0xFF); } } } long scanlineStart = raf.getFilePointer(); pbos.write(scanline); pbos.flush(); long scanlineEnd = raf.getFilePointer(); + y * 2); raf.writeShort((short)(scanlineEnd - scanlineStart));; } long endOfGreen = raf.getFilePointer(); greenLength = (int) (endOfGreen - startOfGreen);[layerIndex][2]); raf.writeInt(greenLength);; long startOfBlue = raf.getFilePointer(); int blueLength; /* Compression: RLE */ raf.writeShort(1); /* Blue scanline counts */ long blueCountsPosition = raf.getFilePointer(); for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) { raf.writeShort(0); } /* Blue image data */ for(int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) { int yModulus = y & BitmapTile.SIZE_MASK; for(int x = 0; x < scanline.length; x += BitmapTile.SIZE) { BitmapTile t = tiles.get(new Point(x >> BitmapTile.SIZE_2, y >> BitmapTile.SIZE_2)); if(t == null) { Arrays.fill(scanline, x, x + BitmapTile.SIZE, (byte) 0); } else { int[] tilePixels = t.getPixels(); for(int offset = 0; offset < BitmapTile.SIZE; offset++) { scanline[x + offset] = (byte) (tilePixels[(yModulus << BitmapTile.SIZE_2) + offset] & 0xFF); } } } long scanlineStart = raf.getFilePointer(); pbos.write(scanline); pbos.flush(); long scanlineEnd = raf.getFilePointer(); + y * 2); raf.writeShort((short)(scanlineEnd - scanlineStart));; } long endOfBlue = raf.getFilePointer(); blueLength = (int) (endOfBlue - startOfBlue);[layerIndex][3]); raf.writeInt(blueLength);; } }