Initial commit for OOP refactor branch

Thor 4 years ago
parent 6df1a50d5a
commit 19d107fc50
  1. 5
  2. 410
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 57
  6. 117
  7. 142
  8. 21
  9. 31
  10. 25

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ from itertools import islice
import asyncio
from subprocess import run, PIPE
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
import logging
from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger
from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger
@ -15,342 +14,125 @@ from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger
from zasd.apscheduler import *
from zasd.asyncio import *
from zasd.config import *
from zasd.zfs import *
from zasd.fs import *
from zasd.log import *
# Constants
class ZASD():
def __init__(self):
self.event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
DATASET_COLS = ['type', 'name', 'creation', 'mountpoint']
partial(self.signal_handler, 'SIGINT'))
partial(self.signal_handler, 'SIGTERM'))
# Functions for running subprocesses with tabulated output
global config
config = load_config()
# Run program and convert tabulated output to nested lists
def run_for_table(args):
result = run(args, check=True, stdout=PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
return str_to_table(result.stdout)
self.zfs = ZFS(config['zfs_path'])
# Run program and convert tabulated output to list of dictionaries with given column names as keys
def run_for_dicts(args, column_list):
return table_to_dicts(run_for_table(args), column_list)'Processing jobs')
# Functions for converting multi-line tabulated strings to data structures
# Convert tabulated multi-line string to nested lists
def str_to_table(string, sep='\t'):
return list(line.split(sep) for line in string.splitlines())
# Convert table to list of dictionaries with given column names as keys
def table_to_dicts(table, column_list):
return list(row_to_dict(row, column_list) for row in table)
# Convert table row to dictionary with given column names as keys
def row_to_dict(row, column_list):
return ({ column_list[i]: row[i] for i in range(len(row)) })
# ZFS functions
# Get list of snapshots (dataset dictionaries)
def zfs_get_snapshots():
return zfs_get_datasets('snapshot')
# Get list of filesystems (dataset dictionaries)
def zfs_get_filesystems():
return zfs_get_datasets('filesystem')
# Get list of datasets
def zfs_get_datasets(dataset_type='all'):
global config
return zfs_dicts_to_datasets(run_for_dicts(
'-t', dataset_type,
'-o', ','.join(DATASET_COLS)], DATASET_COLS))
# Transform list of ZFS dictionaries to list of datasets
def zfs_dicts_to_datasets(dicts):
return list(zfs_dict_to_dataset(d) for d in dicts)
# Transform dictionary to dataset (pool, filesystem)
def zfs_dict_to_dataset(zfs_dict):
name = zfs_dict['name']
dataset = dict(zfs_dict)
# Separate dataset and snapshot names out to extra fields
if '@' in name:
fields = name.split('@')
dataset['dataset'] = fields[0]
dataset['snapshot'] = fields[1]
return dataset
# Create one or more snapshots
async def zfs_create_snapshot(*snapshots, recursive=False):
global config
args = [config['zfs_path'], 'snapshot']
if recursive:
for snapshot in snapshots:
sargs = args + [get_snapshot_zfs_name(snapshot)]
await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*sargs)
# Destroy one or more snapshots
async def zfs_destroy_snapshot(*snapshots, recursive=False):
global config
args = [config['zfs_path'], 'destroy']
if recursive:
for snapshot in snapshots:
sargs = args + [get_snapshot_zfs_name(snapshot)]
await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*sargs)
# Generate ZFS identifier string for snapshot
def get_snapshot_zfs_name(snapshot):
if 'tag' in snapshot:
return make_snapshot_zfs_name(snapshot['dataset'], snapshot['tag'], snapshot.get('serial', None))
elif 'snapshot' in snapshot:
return make_snapshot_zfs_name(snapshot['dataset'], snapshot['snapshot'])
raise KeyError('Snapshot has no name or tag')
# Generate ZFS identifier string from arguments
def make_snapshot_zfs_name(dataset, tag_or_snapshot, serial=None):
if serial is None:
return '{}@{}'.format(dataset, tag_or_snapshot)
return '{}@{}:{}'.format(dataset, tag_or_snapshot, serial)
# Configuration functions
# Retrieve all schedules and merge with default schedule
def get_schedules():
global config
schedules = ({**config['defaults'], **dict(s)} for s in config['schedules'])
return schedules
# Get dictionary of tag-modified flags on filesystem
def get_fs_flags(name):
global fs_modified
if not name in fs_modified:
fs_modified[name] = dict()
return fs_modified[name]
# Get tag-modified flag for specific tag on filesystem
def get_fs_flag(name, tag):
flags = get_fs_flags(name)
if not tag in flags:
flags[tag] = False
return flags[tag]
# Set specific tag-modified flag on filesystem
def set_fs_flag(name, tag):
flags = get_fs_flags(name)
flags[tag] = True
# Set all tag-modified flags on filesystem
def set_all_fs_flags(name):
flags = get_fs_flags(name)
for tag in flags.keys():
set_fs_flag(name, tag)
# Clear specific tag-modified flag on filesystem
def clear_fs_flag(name, tag):
flags = get_fs_flags(name)
flags[tag] = False
# fswatch subprocess protocol for asyncio
class FSWatchProtocol(LineBufferedProtocol):
def __init__(self, fs):
LineBufferedProtocol.__init__(self, 'utf-8')
self.fs = fs
def pipe_line_received(self, line):
global logger
# Ignore empty lines and NOOPs
if len(line) == 0 or int(line) == 0:
return'Detected change on filesystem %s', self.fs['name'])
# Set all tag-modified flags on filesystem
# Snapshot scheduling functions
# Create snapshot from a snapshot schedule
async def snapshot_creation_task(schedule, fs):
global logger
tag = schedule['tag']
serial = make_snapshot_serial()
recursive = schedule['recursive']
if not schedule['if_modified'] or get_fs_flag(fs, tag):
# Clear tag-modified flags for this tag on filesystem
clear_fs_flag(fs, tag)'Taking snapshot of filesystem %s on schedule %s', fs, tag)
# Create stub snapshot record and take the snapshot
snapshot = dict(dataset=fs, tag=tag, serial=serial)
await zfs_create_snapshot(snapshot, recursive=recursive)
# Load and activate snapshot schedules
self.scheduler = AsyncIOPriorityScheduler(
event_loop = self.event_loop,
executors = {'default': AsyncIOPriorityExecutor()})
spinner = Spinner()
def signal_handler(self, signame):'Received %s', signame)
def load_schedules(self):
for schedule in self.schedules():
if schedule['disabled']:
tag = schedule['tag']
for fs in schedule['filesystems']:
self.scheduler.add_job(lambda: self.snapshot_creation_task,
trigger = schedule['trigger'],
id = '{}:{}'.format(fs, tag),
group = fs,
priority = schedule['priority'],
args = [schedule, fs])
# Generate time-based 8-character hexadecimal snapshot serial number
def make_snapshot_serial():
return ('%x' % int(time.time()))[-8:]
# Set tag-modified flags on filesystems (always take snapshots on startup)
for name in schedule['filesystems']:
filesystem = self.zfs.filesystems(name)
filesystem.modified(tag, True)
# Destroy all expired snapshots
async def snapshot_destruction_task():
global config, logger
trigger = config['destroy_trigger'],
id = 'destroy',
group = 'destroy')
snapshots = zfs_get_snapshots()
# Retrieve all schedules and merge with default schedule
def schedules(self):
schedules = ({**config['defaults'], **dict(s)} for
s in config['schedules'])
return schedules
for schedule in get_schedules():
if schedule['disabled']:
# Snapshot scheduling functions
# Find expired snapshots for schedule
# Create snapshot from a snapshot schedule
async def snapshot_creation_task(self, schedule, fs):
tag = schedule['tag']
expired = slice_snapshots(snapshots, tag, index=schedule['keep'], stop=None, reverse=True)
if len(expired) > 0:'Destroying snapsnots with tag %s:', tag)
for snapshot in expired:'%s%s', config['tab_size'] * ' ', snapshot['name'])
await zfs_destroy_snapshot(snapshot)
# Check if snapshot matches tag
def snapshot_matches_tag(snapshot, tag):
return get_snapshot_tag(snapshot) == tag
# Get tag of snapshot
def get_snapshot_tag(snapshot):
(tag, serial) = get_snapshot_fields(snapshot)
return tag
# Get serial number of snapshot
def get_snapshot_serial(snapshot):
(tag, serial) = get_snapshot_fields(snapshot)
return serial
# Get tuple of fields in snapshot name
def get_snapshot_fields(snapshot):
global config
return tuple(snapshot['snapshot'].split(config['separator']))
# Group 'snapshots' list using 'key' function, enumerate groups (in reverse if 'reverse' is
# True), slice by 'index' and 'stop', and return slice as flat list of snapshots
# If 'stop' is not specified, assume that 'index' is the index to shop at; otherwise, slice
# beginning at 'index' and ending at 'stop'
def slice_snapshots(snapshots, tag, index, stop=0, reverse=False, key=get_snapshot_serial):
# Find matching snapshots
matches = list(s for s in snapshots if snapshot_matches_tag(s, tag))
# Make ordered set of serials present in matched snapshots
ordered_set = list(sorted(set(key(s) for s in matches), reverse=reverse))
recursive = schedule['recursive']
# Slice n serials from ordered set of serials
serials = ordered_set[:index] if stop == 0 else ordered_set[index:stop]
if not schedule['if_modified'] or fs.was_modifed():
# Clear tag-modified flags for this tag on filesystem
# Intersect matching snapshots with sliced set of serials
result = list(s for s in matches if get_snapshot_serial(s) in set(serials))'Taking snapshot of filesystem %s on schedule %s', fs, tag)
return result
# Create stub snapshot record and take the snapshot
snapshot = dict(dataset=fs, tag=tag)
await self.zfs.create_snapshot(snapshot, recursive=recursive)
# Load and activate snapshot schedules
def load_snapshot_schedules():
global config, scheduler, fs_modified, logger
fs_modified = dict()
# Destroy all expired snapshots
async def snapshot_destruction_task(self):
snapshots = self.zfs.snapshots()
for schedule in get_schedules():
if schedule['disabled']:
for schedule in self.schedules():
if schedule['disabled']:
tag = schedule['tag']
for fs in schedule['filesystems']:
trigger = schedule['trigger'],
id = make_snapshot_zfs_name(fs, tag),
group = fs,
priority = schedule['priority'],
args = [schedule, fs])
# Set tag-modified flags on filesystems (always take snapshots on startup)
for name in schedule['filesystems']:
set_fs_flag(name, tag)
# Find expired snapshots for schedule
tag = schedule['tag']
expired = slice_snapshots(snapshots, tag, index=schedule['keep'], stop=None, reverse=True)
trigger = config['destroy_trigger'],
group = 'destroy')
if len(expired) > 0:'Destroying snapsnots with tag %s:', tag)
for snapshot in expired:'%s%s',
config['tab_size'] * ' ', snapshot['name'])
await self.zfs.destroy_snapshot(snapshot)
async def main_task():
global config, event_loop, scheduler, fs_listeners
scheduler = AsyncIOPriorityScheduler(
event_loop = event_loop,
executors = {'default': AsyncIOPriorityExecutor()})
# Watch file system mountpoints
fs_listeners = dict()
for fs in zfs_get_filesystems():
await event_loop.subprocess_exec(
lambda: FSWatchProtocol(fs), config['fswatch_path'], '-o', fs['mountpoint'], stdout=PIPE)
# Class for printing idle spinner
class Spinner():
CHARS = ['|', '/', '-', '\\']
counter = 0
if stdout.isatty():
def spin(self):
while True:
print(self.CHARS[self.counter] + '\x1B[G', end='', file=stderr, flush=True)
self.counter = (self.counter + 1) % len(self.CHARS)
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# Print idle spinner
def print_spinner():
print(print_spinner.chars[print_spinner.index] + '\x1B[G', end='', file=stderr, flush=True)
print_spinner.index = (print_spinner.index + 1) % len(print_spinner.chars)
print_spinner.index = 0
print_spinner.chars = ['|', '/', '-', '\\']
def signal_handler(signame):
global logger, event_loop'Received %s', signame)
# Program
config = load_config()
configure_logging(config)'Processing jobs')
event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
event_loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, partial(signal_handler, 'SIGINT'))
event_loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, partial(signal_handler, 'SIGTERM'))

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class _PriorityJob(Job):
if 'group' in changes: = changes.pop('group')
super().modify(self, **changes)
def __getstate__(self):
state = super().__getstate__()
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class AsyncIOPriorityExecutor(AsyncIOExecutor):
logger.debug('Committing jobs:')
# Look at every group
for group_id, group in self.job_groups.items():
for group in self.job_groups.values():
# Look at every job in group
for job_id, times in group['times_for_job'].items():
# Find job for ID and submit to scheduler superclass

@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ class LineBufferedProtocol(asyncio.SubprocessProtocol):
def __init__(self, encoding):
self.encoding = encoding
self.buffer = bytearray()
def pipe_data_received(self, fd, data):
while True:
length = self.buffer.index(b'\n')
line = self.buffer[0: length].decode()
del self.buffer[0: length + 1]
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class LineBufferedProtocol(asyncio.SubprocessProtocol):
def process_exited(self):
if(len(self.buffer) > 0):
if len(self.buffer) > 0:
line = self.buffer.decode()
self.buffer = bytearray()

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger
import logging
import pprint
from zasd.logging import *
from zasd.util import *
from zasd.log import log
from zasd.util import *
# Constants
@ -22,20 +22,25 @@ from zasd.util import *
# Globals
config = {}
# Default configuration
zfs_path = '/usr/local/bin/zfs',
fswatch_path = '/usr/local/bin/fswatch',
tab_size = 2,
log_level = logging.INFO,
log_format = '%(asctime)s %(name)s [%(levelname)-8s]: %(message)s',
log_date_format = '%a, %d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S',
separator = ':',
destroy_trigger = CronTrigger.from_crontab('* * * * *'),
# Defaults will take a snapshot every 12 hours
# and keep them for a week, so if the config file
# should disappear for some reason, there will
@ -56,18 +61,16 @@ DEFAULT_CONFIG = dict(
# Load configuration
def load_config():
global logger
if len(argv) > 1:
# Configuration pathname given as first argument
if isfile(argv[1]):
config_pathname = argv[1]
logger.warning('Could not find configuration file %s', argv[1])
log.warning('Could not find configuration file %s', argv[1])
return _warn_load_default()
# No configuration pathname given; attempt to find it:
# Get root of system partition
sys_root_path = environ.get('SystemDrive', splitdrive(executable)[0] + psep)
@ -75,16 +78,16 @@ def load_config():
sys_conf_path = joinpath(*ifenv('SystemRoot',
lambda path: [path, 'System32', 'drivers', 'etc'],
lambda: [sys_root_path, 'etc']))
# Get user home directory
user_home_path = expanduser('~')
# Get path of this Python file
if '__file__' in globals():
script_path = dirname(abspath(__file__))
script_path = dirname(abspath(argv[0]))
# Build list of configuration file pathnames to search
config_paths = uniq([
@ -99,9 +102,9 @@ def load_config():
config_pathname = find_file(config_pathnames)
if config_pathname is None:
logger.warning('Unable to find a config file at:')
log.warning('Unable to find a config file at:')
for pathname in config_pathnames:
logger.warning(' ' + pathname)
log.warning(' ' + pathname)
return _warn_load_default()
@ -120,7 +123,7 @@ def load_config():
crontab = CronTrigger.from_crontab,
cron = CronTrigger.from_crontab,
interval = IntervalTrigger,
every = IntervalTrigger)
@ -130,27 +133,27 @@ def load_config():
exec(config_source, global_scope, local_scope)
# Merge configuration with default configuration
global config
config = merge_configs(DEFAULT_CONFIG, local_scope)
logger.debug('Loaded configuration')
log.debug('Loaded configuration')
if config['log_level'] <= logging.DEBUG:
for line in pprint.pformat(config).split('\n'):
logging.debug(config['tab_size'] * ' ' + line)
return config
def _warn_load_default():
logger.warning('Waiting 10 seconds before loading default configuration...')
log.warning('Waiting 10 seconds before loading default configuration...')
logger.warning('Loading default configuration')
log.warning('Loading default configuration')
return deepcopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG)
def merge_configs(base, diff, path=[]):
@ -159,7 +162,7 @@ def merge_configs(base, diff, path=[]):
if not key in base:
base[key] = value
elif not isinstance(value, type(base[key])):
logger.error('Cannot merge diff type %s with base %s type at %s.%s',
log.error('Cannot merge diff type %s with base %s type at %s.%s',
type(value), type(base[key]), '.'.join(path), key)
return None
elif isinstance(value, dict):

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
filesystems = {}
class Filesystem:
''' Base filsystem class inherited by filesystem implementations '''
def __init__(self, name, props, **kwprops):
# Set common properties
self._name = name
# Process arguments to extract all properties
props = process_args(props, kwprops)
# Delegate further initialisation to the subclass
def initialise(self, props):
''' Perform initialisation. This method is called in the constructor
once the property arguments have been processed and merged into a
single property dictionary. Subclasses typically use this method for
transforming property values and assigning them to private
attributes on the Filesystem object. '''
async def snapshots(self):
''' Retrieve an {ordinal: snapshot} dictionary of the snapshots that are
managed by this Filesystem object. '''
async def mountpoint(self):
''' Retrieve the mountpoint path this Filesystem object is managing. '''
async def filesystems(cls):
''' Retrieve a {name: filesystem} dictionary of the mounted filesystems
that are managed by this Filesystem class. '''
raise NotImplementedError()
async def expose(cls):
''' Retrieve an object to be exposed on the global scope of the
configuration file. The identifier of this object will equal the
registered name of the filesystem. This may be used to expose
variables and methods that the user will need in order to configure
the filesystem. The method is called whenever the configuration
file is reloaded. '''
class Snapshot:
''' Base snapshot class inherited by filesystem implementations'''
def __init__(self, filesystem, tag, *props, **kwprops):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# Set common properties
self._filesystem = filesystem
self._tag = tag
# Process arguments to extract all properties
props = process_args(props, kwprops)
# Delegate further initialisation to the subclass
def initialise(self, props):
''' Perform initialisation. This method is called in the constructor
once the property arguments have been processed and merged into a
single property dictionary. Subclasses typically use this method for
transforming property values and assigning them to private
attributes on the Snapshot object. '''
def filesystem(self):
''' Get parent Filesystem object. This method need not be overridden
in subclasses. '''
return self._filesystem
def tag(self):
''' Get tag name. Each configured schedule in ZAFS has a unique tag
name. The tag name is passed in the constructor of the snapshot. A
tag name paired with an ordinal uniquely identifies a snapshot. This
method need not be overridden in subclasses. '''
return self._tag
def ordinal(self):
''' Get ordinal. Ordinals are sortable, hashable timestamps that are
unique per tag name. They need not be numbers, but they must sort
in a strictly ascending chronological order. The ordinal is
typically derived from the UNIX timestamp the snapshot was taken at.
Before the snapshot is taken, this method returns None. '''
raise NotImplementedError()
async def take(self):
''' Take snapshot and return the ordinal. This method is never called
more than once per snapshot object. '''
def taken(self):
''' This method returns True if the snapshot has been taken. '''
async def delete(self):
''' Delete this snapshot. No further method calls are made on the
snapshot once it has been destroyed. '''
def process_args(props, kwprops):
''' Merge 'props' and 'kwprops' into single dictionary '''
if props:
if not isinstance(props, dict):
raise TypeError('Properties argument is not a dictionary')
props = dict(props)
props = {}
# Update properties dictionary with keyword arguments
return props
def register(name, klass):
''' Register a filesystem. If a filesystem needs to be configured by the
user, it must retrieve its configuration from a dictionary at
config['filesystems'][name]. '''
filesystems[name] = klass

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
from subprocess import run, PIPE
import asyncio
import locale
from time import time
import re
from zasd.config import config
from zasd.filesystem import Filesystem, Snapshot
# Constants
_DATASET_COLS = ['type', 'name', 'creation', 'mountpoint']
class ZFS(Filesystem):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, *kwargs)
def snapshots(self, name=None):
datasets = self.datasets('snapshot')
if name is None:
return datasets
return next(ds for ds in datasets if ds['name'] == name)
def filesystems(cls, name=None):
datasets = cls.datasets('filesystem')
if name is None:
return datasets
return next(ds for ds in datasets if ds['name'] == name)
def datasets(cls, dataset_type, *columns):
'''Get list of datasets'''
return _run_for_dicts(
'list', '-Hp',
'-t', dataset_type,
'-o', ','.join(columns)], columns)
async def take_snapshot(self, name, recursive=False):
'''Create ZFS snapshot and, optionally, include the children'''
args = [config['zfs']['executable'], 'snapshot']
if recursive:
return await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*args)
async def destroy_snapshot(self, name, recursive=False):
'''Destroy ZFS snapshot and, optionally, include the children'''
args = [config['zfs']['executable'], 'destroy']
if recursive:
return await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*args)
class ZFSSnapshot(Snapshot):
def initialise(self, props):
# Check if 'name' property exists and looks like a snapshot name
name = props.get('name')
if name:
# Split name string into field list
fields = name.split('@' + config['separator'])
# Get any missing properties from field list
if not props.get('dataset'):
props['dataset'] = fields[0]
if not props.get('tag'):
props['tag'] = fields[1]
if not props.get('serial'):
props['serial'] = fields[2]
# Assign properties to object
self._dataset = props.get('dataset')
self._tag = props.get('tag')
self._serial = props.get('serial', ('%x' % int(time()))[-8:])
self._mountpoint = props.get('mountpoint')
def dataset(self):
return self._dataset
''' Get ZFS name of snapshot '''
def name(self):
return '{}@{}{}{}'.format(
self._dataset, self._tag, config['separator'], self._serial)
''' Get tag name'''
def tag(self):
return self._tag
''' Get serial '''
def serial(self):
return self._serial
''' Get mountpoint '''
def mountpoint(self):
return self._mountpoint
def is_snapshot(arg):
Check if 'arg' looks like a ZASD snapshot name, meaning a string
consisting of a character sequence as follows:
1. At least one character that isn't '@'
2. Character '@'
3. At least one character that isn't a separator
4. Separator character
5. At least one character that isn't a separator
6. Go to #4 and repeat until the string ends
NOTE: The validity of 'arg' as a ZFS snapshot name is not checked!
sep = re.escape(config['separator'])
return isinstance(arg, str) and bool(
re.match('^[^@]+[^%s]+(%s[^%s]+)+$' % (sep, sep, sep), arg))
def _run_for_dicts(args, column_list):
''' Run program and convert tabulated output to list
of dictionaries with given column names as keys '''
return _table_to_dicts(_run_for_table(args), column_list)
def _run_for_table(args):
'''Run program and convert tabulated output to nested lists'''
result = run(args, check=True, stdout=PIPE,
return _str_to_table(result.stdout)
def _str_to_table(string, sep='\t'):
'''Convert tabulated multi-line string to nested lists'''
return (line.split(sep) for line in string.splitlines())
def _table_to_dicts(table, column_list):
'''Convert table to list of dictionaries with given column names as keys'''
return (_row_to_dict(row, column_list) for row in table)
def _row_to_dict(row, column_list):
'''Convert table row to dictionary with given column names as keys'''
return {column_list[i]: row[i] for i in range(len(row))}

@ -1,32 +1,29 @@
import logging
from zasd.config import config
log = logging.getLogger('zasd')
# Bootstrap logging using a hardcoded configuration
def bootstrap_logging():
global logger
format='%(asctime)s %(name)s [%(levelname)-8s]: %(message)s',
datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S')
logger = logging.getLogger('zasd')
# Configure logging using a loaded configuration
def configure_logging(config):
global logger
def configure_logging():
level = config['log_level']
logger = logging.getLogger('zasd')

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import asyncio
from subprocess import PIPE
import locale
from zasd.config import config
from zasd.asyncio import LineBufferedProtocol
from zasd.log import log
class PathWatcher:
def __init__(self, name, path, callback):
self._name = name
self._path = path
# Watch path
PathWatcherProtocol(name, callback), config['fswatch_path'], '-o',
path, stdout=PIPE)
class PathWatcherProtocol(LineBufferedProtocol):
def __init__(self, name, callback):
LineBufferedProtocol.__init__(self, locale.getpreferredencoding())
self._name = name
self._callback = callback
def pipe_line_received(self, line):
# Ignore empty lines and NOOPs
if len(line) == 0 or int(line) == 0:
return'Detected change on filesystem %s', self._name)

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
def slice(snapshots, tag, start=0, stop=None, reverse=True,
key=lambda snapshot: snapshot.serial()):
Take list of 'snapshots' having 'tag'. Take set of 'key's from list,
sort the set (optionally in 'reverse'), slice it from 'start' to 'stop',
take list of 'snapshots' belonging to this set and return it. If 'stop'
is not specified, slice set from 'start' to end of set. If called with
first three arguments only, return list of snapshots older than the
'index'th snapshot in the set.
# Find snapshots having 'tag'
matches = (s for s in snapshots if s.tag() == tag)
# Take ordered set of keys from matching snapshots
ordered_set = sorted(set(key(s) for s in matches), reverse=reverse)
# Take slice from ordered set of keys
keys = set(ordered_set[start:] if stop is None
else ordered_set[start:stop])
# Filter matches by keys in sliced set
result = (s for s in matches if key(s) in keys)
return result