# ZFS Automatic Snapshot Daemon This is a daemon, written in Python 3, that will schedule regular snaphots of ZFS datasets (pools, filsystems) according to a set of configurable schedules. Options for interval and crontab-style schedules are available. The daemon includes an installer for macOS `launchd`. For Linux, see the example `systemd` config file in `docs`. Modify as needed, copy to `/etc/systemd/system` folder, run `systemctl start zasd` and `systemctl enable zasd` as root to run on boot. Snapshots may be made conditional with the `if_modified` option on each schedule. In this mode, a snapshot will only be taken if a dataset has been modified since the last snapshot. The daemon should not interfere with other snapshots you have on the system, unless you give them names that adhere to the `dataset@tag:serial` syntax `zasd` uses, and the `tag` parts happen to match of the tags in `zasd.conf.py`. If you're already using similar syntax for something else, you may need to change the `separator` setting in `zasd.conf.py`. **DISCLAIMER:** This program is still in beta. Use at your own risk. It works fine on my system, but your mileage may vary. ## Requirements * `apscheduler` PIP package * `fswatch` program