# ZFS Automatic Snapshot Daemon This is a daemon, written in Python 3, that will schedule regular snaphots of ZFS datasets (pools, filsystems) according to a set of configurable schedules. Options for interval and crontab-style schedules are available. The daemon only includes an installer for macOS at the moment, but a multi-platform installer is coming soon. As of now, snapshots are conditional. A snapshot will only be taken if a dataset has been modified since the last snapshot. An option to turn this off per schedule is coming soon. The daemon should not interfere with other snapshots you have on the system, unless you give them names that adhere to the `dataset@tag:serial` syntax `zasd` uses, and the `tag` parts happen to match of the tags in `zasd.conf.py`. If you're already using similar syntax for something else, you may need to change the `separator` setting in `zasd.conf.py`. **DISCLAIMER:** This program is still in beta. Use at your own risk. It works fine on my system, but your mileage may vary. ## Requirements * `apscheduler`