from sys import argv, executable from os import environ, getcwd, sep as psep from os.path import dirname, abspath, join as joinpath, \ expanduser, splitdrive, isfile from time import sleep from copy import deepcopy from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger import logging import pprint from zasd.logging import * from zasd.util import * # # Constants CONFIG_BASENAME = '' CONFIG_FILENAMES = [CONFIG_BASENAME, '.' + CONFIG_BASENAME] # Default configuration DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'zfs_path': '/usr/local/bin/zfs', 'fswatch_path': '/usr/local/bin/fswatch', 'tab_size': 2, 'log_level': logging.INFO, 'log_format': '%(asctime)s %(name)s [%(levelname)-8s]: %(message)s', 'log_date_format': '%a, %d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S', 'separator': ':', 'destroy_trigger': CronTrigger.from_crontab('* * * * *'), # Defaults will take a snapshot every 12 hours # and keep them for a week, so if the config file # should disappear for some reason, there will # at least be _some_ recoverable snapshots 'defaults': { 'disabled': False, 'filesystems': ['tank'], 'recursive': True, 'tag': 'zasd', 'trigger': IntervalTrigger(hours=12), 'priority': 1, 'keep': 14 }, 'schedules': [{}] } # Load configuration def load_config(): global logger if len(argv) > 1: # Configuration pathname given as first argument if isfile(argv[1]): config_pathname = argv[1] else: logger.warning('Could not find configuration file %s', argv[1]) return _warn_load_default() else: # No configuration pathname given; attempt to find it: # Get root of system partition sys_root_path = environ.get('SystemDrive', splitdrive(executable)[0] + psep) # Get system configuration directory sys_conf_path = joinpath(*ifenv('SystemRoot', lambda path: [path, 'System32', 'drivers', 'etc'], lambda: [sys_root_path, 'etc'])) # Get user home directory user_home_path = expanduser('~') # Get path of this Python file if '__file__' in globals(): script_path = dirname(abspath(__file__)) else: script_path = dirname(abspath(argv[0])) # Build list of configuration file pathnames to search config_paths = uniq([ getcwd(), user_home_path, joinpath(user_home_path, '.config'), joinpath(user_home_path, '.local', 'share'), sys_conf_path, script_path]) config_pathnames = list(joinpath(p, f) for p in config_paths for f in CONFIG_FILENAMES) # Attempt to find a config file config_pathname = find_file(config_pathnames) if config_pathname is None: logger.warning('Unable to find a config file at:') for pathname in config_pathnames: logger.warning(' ' + pathname) return _warn_load_default() with open(config_pathname, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: config_source = # Create configuration file scopes global_scope = dict( CRITICAL = logging.CRITICAL, ERROR = logging.ERROR, WARNING = logging.WARNING, INFO = logging.INFO, DEBUG = logging.DEBUG, NOTSET = logging.NOTSET, crontab = CronTrigger.from_crontab, cron = CronTrigger.from_crontab, interval = IntervalTrigger, every = IntervalTrigger) local_scope = dict() # Execute configuration file exec(config_source, global_scope, local_scope) # Merge configuration with default configuration config = merge_configs(DEFAULT_CONFIG, local_scope) logger.debug('Loaded configuration') if config['log_level'] <= logging.DEBUG: logger.debug('') for line in pprint.pformat(config).split('\n'): logging.debug(config['tab_size'] * ' ' + line) logger.debug('') return config def _warn_load_default(): global DEFAULT_CONFIG logger.warning('') logger.warning('Waiting 10 seconds before loading default configuration...') logger.warning('') sleep(10) logger.warning('Loading default configuration') logger.warning('') return deepcopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG) def merge_configs(base, diff, path=[]): base = base if len(path) == 0 else deepcopy(base) for key, value in diff.items(): if not key in base: base[key] = value elif not isinstance(value, type(base[key])): logger.error('Cannot merge diff type %s with base %s type at %s.%s', type(value), type(base[key]), '.'.join(path), key) return None elif isinstance(value, dict): merged = merge_configs(base[key], value, path + [key]) if merged is None: return None base[key] = merged else: base[key] = value return base