ZFS Automatic Snapshot Daemon
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

101 lines
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#zfs_path = '/sbin/zfs'
#fswatch_path = '/usr/bin/fswatch'
# Tab size for indented log messages
#tab_size = 2
# Log format
#log_level = INFO
#log_format = '%(asctime)s %(name)s [%(levelname)-8s]: %(message)s'
#log_date_format = '%a, %d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S'
# Field separator in snapshot names (':' gives 'dataset@tag:serial')
#separator = ':'
# Polling interval for expired snapshot destructor
#destroy_trigger = cron('* * * * *')
# Default settings for a schedule
defaults = dict(
# Unique snapshot tag for schedule
# tag = 'zasd',
# Whether the schedule should be executed
# disabled = False,
# Datasets to watch (must have mountpoints)
# filesystems = ['tank'],
# Whether to watch child datasets
# recursive = True,
# Time trigger for snasphot
# trigger = every(hours=12),
# Whether to ignore triggers on filesystems whose files
# have not been modifed since the trigger was last fired
# Enabling this for a filesystem will cause an instance
# of fswatch to launch for every ZFS filesystem. This
# may use a lot of open file descriptors, so maybe avoid
# if you have large filesystems with lots of folders.
# Taking snapshots unconditionally is probably more
# reliable.
# if_modified = False,
# Priority for snapshot; if more than one trigger fires
# at once on the same filesystem, the trigger with the
# highest priority wins out
# priority = 1,
# The maximum number of snapshots kept at any given time
# keep = 14
# The simplest possible schedule list possible sets up a single
# schedule with the default settings
#schedules = [{}]
# More advanced example schedule
schedules = [
tag = '5mi',
trigger = cron('*/5 * * * *'),
priority = 6,
keep = 4
tag = '20m',
trigger = cron('*/20 * * * *'),
priority = 5,
keep = 3
tag = '1hr',
trigger = cron('0 * * * *'),
priority = 4,
keep = 6
tag = '6hr',
trigger = cron('0 */6 * * *'),
priority = 3,
keep = 4),
tag = '1dy',
trigger = cron('0 0 * * *'),
priority = 2,
keep = 7
tag = '1wk',
trigger = cron('0 0 * * mon'),
priority = 1,
keep = 4