ZFS Automatic Snapshot Daemon
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''' Filesystem base classes and registry '''
from typing import Any, Type as TypingType, TypeVar, Tuple, Set, \
MutableSet, Mapping, MutableMapping, Callable, \
AsyncGenerator, Generic
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Flag
from functools import total_ordering
from datetime import datetime
from asyncio import Queue
# {k: disordered[k] for k in sorted(disordered)}
FilesystemT = TypeVar('FilesystemT', bound='FilesystemBase')
SnapshotKeyT = TypeVar('SnapshotKeyT', bound='FilesystemBase.SnapshotKey')
EventT = TypeVar('EventT', bound='FilesystemBase.Event')
@total_ordering # type: ignore
class FilesystemBase(ABC):
''' Base filesystem class inherited by filesystem implementations. '''
class Event(dict):
''' Filesystem event class '''
class Type(Flag):
''' Filesystem event type enumerator. '''
GENERIC = 0x00000000
MOUNT = 0x00010000
MOUNTED = MOUNT | 0x0001
FILE = 0x00020000 # Mandatory
FILE_MOVED = FILE | 0x0004
SNAPSHOT = 0x00040000
def __init__(self, filesystem: FilesystemT,
event_type: Type, **properties):
''' Construct a filesystem event. Properties are assigned to the
event object, which doubles as a dictionary. '''
# Optional standard properties:
# description: human-readable description of the event
# path: Path the event originated from
# target: Path the event was targeted at
# snapshot: The snapshot the event pertained to
self._filesystem = filesystem
self._type = event_type
def filesystem(self) -> FilesystemT:
''' Get the filesystem the event occurred on. '''
return self._filesystem
def type(self) -> Type:
''' Get the event type. '''
return self._type
@total_ordering # type: ignore
class SnapshotKey(ABC):
''' Base snapshot key class inherited by filesystem implementations. '''
def filesystem(self) -> FilesystemT:
''' Get the parent filesystem for the snapshot. '''
def tag(self) -> str:
''' Get the tag name for the snapshot. Each user-configured schedule has
a unique tag name. '''
def timestamp(self) -> datetime:
''' Get the datetime the snapshot was taken at. '''
def __hash__(self) -> int:
''' Snapshot keys are hashable. Snapshots having equal filesystems,
tags and timestamps will have equal hash values. '''
return hash((self.filesystem(), self.tag(), self.timestamp()))
def __lt__(self: Any, other) -> bool:
''' Snapshot keys are sortable, and are ordered by filesystem first,
tag second and timestamp last. '''
return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and
(self.filesystem() < other.filesystem() or
self.filesystem() == other.filesystem() and
(self.tag() < other.tag() or
self.tag() == other.tag() and
self.timestamp() < other.timestamp())))
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
''' Snapshot keys are comparable and are equal if they have equal hash
values. '''
return hash(self) == hash(other)
def key(cls) -> str:
''' Retrieve the registry key for this filesystem class. '''
# Filesystem classes must add themselves to the filesystem registry as
# soon as they are imported.
async def filesystems(cls) -> Mapping[str, FilesystemT]:
''' Retrieve a dictionary of labels to filesystems managed by this
filesystem class. '''
def configure(cls) -> Tuple[Mapping[str, Any], Callable[[Any], None]]:
''' Retrieve tuple for configuring the filesystem. '''
# This method returns a tuple (global_scope, callback), consisting of
# a dictionary and a callback function. It is called each time a
# configuration file has loaded, before it is executed.
# The dictionary consists of variables to be deep copied and exposed
# on the global execution scope of the configuration file. This may be
# used by the Filesystem class to provide constants, functions and
# variables that the user will need in order to configure filesystems
# of this class.
# The callback is invoked as callback(options) once execution has
# completed. Options are retrived from a variable Filesystem.key() on
# the local execution scope of the configuration file and will equal
# None if no such variable was assigned by the user. The variable is
# typically a dictionary, but may be of any type, and may be used by
# the Filesystem class to retrieve configuration options the user has
# set in order to configure filesystems of this class. '''
def label(self) -> str:
''' Retrieve the filesystem label.'''
# Labels must allow users to easily identify the underlying
# filesystems. Device names, drive letters, volume labels and
# mountpoints should be avoided, since these are not persistent and do
# not uniquely identify a filesystem. If the underlying filesystem
# does not provide labels that satisfy these criteria, a means for the
# user to map unique labels to unique filesystem identifiers must be
# provided in the configuration file.
async def children(self) -> Mapping[str, FilesystemT]:
''' Get a dictionary of labels to filesystems that are children of this
filesystem. '''
# Some filesystem classes allow hierarchical filesystem labels,
# permitting recursive snapshots to be taken on a filesystem and its
# children. An empty dictionary may be returned if this feature is not
# supported.
async def snapshots(self) -> Set[SnapshotKey]:
''' Get a set of keys for snapshots managed by this filesystem
object. Snapshots taken on any children of the filesystem,
recursively or otherwise, are not included in the set. '''
async def take(self, tag: str, recursive: bool=False) -> SnapshotKey:
''' Take a snapshot on this filesystem and return the key. For recursive
snapshots, return the key of the filesystem the snapshot was
requested on. '''
async def delete(self, key: SnapshotKey, recursive: bool=False) -> None:
''' Delete a snapshot having a given key from this filesystem. For
recursive deletions, snapshots on children of the filesystem having
a tag and a timestamp equal to that of the parent snapshot are
deleted recursively. '''
def watch(self) -> AsyncGenerator[Event, None]:
''' Factory function that returns an asynchronous generator that
yields dispatched events from an internal event queue. The
generator ends when the filesystem is unmounted. '''
def __hash__(self) -> int:
''' Filesystems are hashable. Filesystems having equal labels will have
equal hash values. '''
return hash(self.label())
def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
''' Filesystems are sortable and are ordered by label. '''
return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and
(self == other or self.label() < other.label()))
def __eq__(self, other):
''' Filesystems are comparable and are equal if they have equal hash
values. '''
return hash(self) == hash(other)
class DispatcherMixin(Generic[EventT]):
''' Class for dispatching filesystem events to asynchronous generators
produced by a factory function. Events are consumed by iterating
over the generators. '''
def __init__(self):
self._event_queues: MutableSet[Queue] = set()
async def dispatch(self, *events: EventT):
''' Dispatch events to generators. '''
for event in events:
for queue in self._event_queues:
await queue.put(event)
def watch(self) -> AsyncGenerator[EventT, None]:
''' Factory function that returns an asynchronous generator that
yields dispatched events from an internal event queue. The
generator ends when the filesystem is unmounted. '''
async def generator(queue):
while True:
event: EventT = await queue.get()
yield event
if FilesystemBase.Event.Type.UNMOUNTED in event.type():
queue: Queue = Queue()
return generator(queue)
class FilesystemRegistry:
''' Class that keeps a global registry of filesystem classes and labels '''
_filesystems: MutableMapping[str, FilesystemBase] = {}
_labels: MutableSet[str] = set()
def __init__(self):
def filesystems(cls) -> Mapping[str, TypingType[FilesystemBase]]:
''' Retrieve a dictionary of keys to registered filesystem classes. '''
return cls._filesystems
def has(cls, key: str) -> bool:
''' Returns True if the filesystem key exists in the registry. '''
return key in cls._filesystems
def register(cls, klass: TypingType[FilesystemBase]) -> None:
''' Register a filesystem class. '''
assert not klass.key() in cls._filesystems
cls._filesystems[klass.key()] = klass
def labels(cls) -> Set[str]:
''' Retrieve the set of the labels in the registry. '''
return set(cls._labels)
def mounted(cls, label: str) -> bool:
''' Returns True if the filesystem label exists in the registry. '''
return label in cls._labels
def mount(cls, label: str) -> None:
''' Add a new filesystem label to the registry. Must be called once a
filesystem becomes available. '''
assert not label in cls._labels
def unmount(cls, label: str) -> None:
''' Remove a filesystem label from the registry. Must be called if a
filesystem becomes unavailable, or the configuration file was
reloaded and a filesystem has disappeared from it. '''
assert label in cls._labels