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''' Interactive Python interpreter '''
from typing import MutableMapping, Set, Any
import sys
import re
import ptpython.repl
import zasd.entrypoint
import zasd.config as config
from zasd.filesystem import FilesystemRegistry
async def repl():
''' Launch an asynchronous ptpython REPL '''
glo: MutableMapping = dict(
sys = sys,
config = DictObject(config.reference(), 'config'),
registry = FilesystemRegistry)
loc: MutableMapping = dict()
def configure(ptrepl):
ptrepl.confirm_exit = False
ptrepl.highlight_matching_parenthesis = True
ptrepl.insert_blank_line_after_output = False
await ptpython.repl.embed(
except EOFError:
class DictObject():
''' Class for wrapping dictionaries in objects '''
def __init__(self, dictionary: MutableMapping[str, Any], name):
DictObject._dictionary = dictionary
DictObject._name = name
def __getattribute__(self, name):
if not name in DictObject._dictionary:
raise AttributeError("name '{}' is not defined".format(name))
return DictObject._dictionary[name]
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
DictObject._dictionary[name] = value
def __delattr__(self, name):
if not name in DictObject._dictionary:
raise AttributeError("name {} is not defined".format(name))
del self._dictionary[name]
def __dir__(self) -> Set[str]:
return DictObject._dictionary.keys()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return DictObject.serialise(DictObject._dictionary, DictObject._name)
def serialise(obj, name, level=0, path=None) -> str:
''' Turn an object into a string recursively. '''
if not isinstance(obj, dict):
# Output variables in 'object.name = value' format
repstr = repr(obj)
if re.search(r'^<.+>$', repstr):
repstr = repstr[1:-1]
return '{}.{} = {}'.format(name, '.'.join(path or []), repstr)
# Separate dictionary entries with newlines
keys = sorted(obj.keys())
strs = list()
for key in keys:
value = DictObject.serialise(
obj[key], name, level + 1, path = (path or []) + [key])
return '\n'.join(strs)