ZFS Automatic Snapshot Daemon
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1010 B

def slice(snapshots, tag, start=0, stop=None, reverse=True,
key=lambda snapshot: snapshot.serial()):
Take list of 'snapshots' having 'tag'. Take set of 'key's from list,
sort the set (optionally in 'reverse'), slice it from 'start' to 'stop',
take list of 'snapshots' belonging to this set and return it. If 'stop'
is not specified, slice set from 'start' to end of set. If called with
first three arguments only, return list of snapshots older than the
'index'th snapshot in the set.
# Find snapshots having 'tag'
matches = (s for s in snapshots if s.tag() == tag)
# Take ordered set of keys from matching snapshots
ordered_set = sorted(set(key(s) for s in matches), reverse=reverse)
# Take slice from ordered set of keys
keys = set(ordered_set[start:] if stop is None
else ordered_set[start:stop])
# Filter matches by keys in sliced set
result = (s for s in matches if key(s) in keys)
return result